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LARPs the Web-Series Review

I just finished watching the first and second seasons of LARPs on Geek and Sundry’s YouTube channel. This web-series was created by Beanduck and it follows the adventures of a group of friends living inside and out of Live action role play game.(LARP) I really can not think of anything that I didn’t like about it. I felt the writing was great, the jokes were swift and funny, and the characters were memorable. The show did an amazing job making you care about the main characters but at the same time loving their alternate characters they played at their LARP.

A test of a true LARP show is seeing how much the creators, and the writers love LARP. This is evident with LARPs. They do a great job showing different types of players that exist, from the hardcore Role-player, The Alt-aholic, (a person who can’t quite find a character they like, most likely after retiring or perming their previous character) The Not-So-Serious guy, The player who can’t “turn it off,” and even the Game Marshall. They also tackle a few issues like how protective we, as a community are about LARP and how it is perceived by outsiders. Another issue is dating a person you have met during your LARP and all the benefits and consequences this could have. This was done subtly but straightforward at the same time.

Finally I enjoyed the fighting scenes. Granted you will most likely never see this style of choreographed fighting at a LARP or even an SCA type of event, but they were perfectly placed and showed that there is about 90% more to LARP than just “Fake” combat. There is passion, love, friendship, loyalty, trust, suspense, laughter, artistry, creativity and so much more. LARPs shows us this in their short 2 seasons, I recommend going over to Geek and Sundry’s YouTube channel RIGHT NOW and start watching.

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